Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Recording a shit load of tracks lately.

New song almost out of the womb.

The labor pains are strong, and this song is kicking us all in the collective uterus every chance it gets what with random drum clicks, strange static we thought we erased, and general nonsense that comes with the territory of attempting to record a song in your living room.

But whatever.


outfit details:

Ratty T-Shirt: thrifted from some amazing Goodwill Outlet store that charges you BY WEIGHT.  And it didn't even have lice!

High Waisty Shorts:  Alloy

Black Cardigan: some dollar store in Queens

Striped Tights: Target

Socks:  Mountain Hiking Socks

Shoes:  Boots from Santa

You can see this exact same picture on lookbook.nu when I decide to post it!  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What? Winter? Pssshh!

My Christmas List went largely ignored by the general public,  and most especially the public directly responsible for buying me presents.

Way to go, guys.

However, eff that.  The best present I could ever possibly ask for is that it is February, and February is mercifully short and has slowly been injecting light back into the world.  Oh, that's right February, I have been taking notice.  Your greatness has not escaped this bedraggled individual.


Bed Lush has a new song!  It's called "Honey Thunder" and it's real fun to spin around really fast to!

