Saturday, December 5, 2009


I realize that I have started something I don't quite know how to finish. In many ways, I am the only one reading this thing.
In many ways, I want it to stay that way so I can remain as honest as possible.
In many other ways, however, I know that to do any of this, to place my thoughts in such a public domain, means that it is somewhat crucial to have other minds prying into this world that I am laying out on a plate.

It's a strange sort of dissection, where the the view comes from both the edge of the scalpel as well as the flesh looking up at it. I'm seeing them congruently.

I wonder where this will go...what will become of this electronic diary. Maybe it will be something great. Maybe it will just be another fleck in the vast expanse of The Internet.

Maybe something.
Maybe nothing.

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